The Professional's Choice for Stump Grinder Teeth, Since 1978


The Professional's Choice
for Stump Grinder Teeth, Since 1978

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7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (CST)


Greenteeth® is an innovative tooth and pocket system that allows for each tooth to be turned up to three times before it needs to be replaced. Greenteeth pockets are designed to fit on any standard wheel. Introduced in 2006, the LoPro® series of pockets has a slim design that allows for a 3/4" clearance between the side of the pocket and the stump to reduce pocket wear and improve overall performance. Available in the 500700, and 900 series, every LoPro® pocket is designed with a threaded and counter-bored hole to be placed on either side of the wheel. We offer the 1100 series teeth and pockets for the higher horsepower stump grinders.

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